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Born on May 31, 1980. He started in music at age 15 with a band of friends called Orion, where he began singing covers of Manowar, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, etc.

At 17 he starts taking lessons in vocal technique with Maestro Teco. In the same year are invited to join the band Sacred Sinner where he remained until the end of 1999, where in the same year is indicated by a friend to audition the band Eternal.

With Eterna, Leandro recorded his first album as a singer officially called “The Gate” of 2001 along with nationally known project called Hamlet (Die Hard Records) with the song “Good bye My Dear Ophelia”.

In 2002 he recorded the disc Terra Nova with a national tour. In 2004, Leandro recorded his third album with the band Eterna (Epiphany) disc that was very well received by the critics and public. In 2005 Leandro recorded the first solo guitarist Denison Fernandes which participates in two songs and recorded a clip.

In 2006 he is invited to sing at the band called Aquaria from Rio de Janeiro where he recorded a pre-production and then left for musical differences. In 2006, enters to Columbia Rock band that plays on the night of São Paulo for 28 years the great successes from 50´s, 60´s, 70´s and 80´s.

In 2007 he recorded his first project live CD and DVD called Eterna Live. Already in 2008 he recorded another big project called Soulspell which is the first Metal Opera made in Brazil. In this project Leandro does the main character. This same project was launched in Japan which great repercussion.

In 2009 Leandro leaves Eterna and is invited by ex-partners (Rafael Agostino and Jason Freitas) to enter Sancti (Hard Rock) that comes with the proposal of singing only in Portuguese. Soon after riding along with guitarist Roberto Barros banda Magna (Heavy Metal) that begins recording her first album later this year. Later this year attended the second disc of Mr. Ego Band where she sang the song “The Blade of Truth.”

He also recorded the second disc of Metal Opera Soulspell called “Labirinty of Truths” album that will be released in 2010. In the same year was invited by guitarist Mauricio Cailet (first guitarist of the band Eterna) singing in the band H. Hits that plays the greatest hits of Hollywood’s trade.

Leandro also works as a professor of Vocal technique (popular song) where the musician spends all his knowledge to those who want to learn to sing joining technique with interpretation. In 2012 was elected by the renowned site Whiplash as one of the top 15 singers in Brazil.

He joined the Hot Rocks in February 2012.