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Welcome John Macaluso
The legendary John Macaluso is the drummer of the new Caravellus album.

World-renowed as one of the greatest progressive metal drummers: John Macaluso has a huge list of recordings and concerts alongside heavy metal big names around the world such as:
ARK, Official Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael Romeo, James LaBrie, Jennifer Batten, TNT, Symphony X, Union Radio.

“We are glad to have the Mac on board for this album and we are also looking forward to
playing some shows with him after the release.” Glauber Oliveira

The first single from the new Caravellus album will be released on August 10 at the Terreiro
Fest Festival, São Paulo / Brazil. Glauber Oliveira and Leandro Caçoilo will be there!

The new Caravellus release is due in early 2020.

We wish our friend Pedro Nunes success in his personal and professional projects.
Thanks for everything!

Check out the video of the participation of vocalist Leandro Caçoilo who recently won the American Idol Experience in the United States.