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VIPER release video for “Under The Sun” with new lineup; watch now

VIPER released the video for the single “Under The Sun” this Tuesday, 17th. This is the first official video of the band’s new lineup, sealing the return after 15 years without new songs.

The video is directed by Caio Cobra, director of the films Intervenção and Virando a Mesa, both from Netflix, with cinematography by João Leão.

“For me, the ‘Under the Sun’ video shows us that, far from being a revival of Viper, it’s proof that they’ve always been alive. They were just sharpening their claws”, says the director.

The clip features the current lineup of the band, which includes Leandro Caçoilo (vocals), Felipe Machado and Kiko Shred (guitars), Pit Passarell (bass and vocals) and Guilherme Martin (drums).